My Quotes

  1.  True love never speaks, it expresses.
  2. True love never demands anything, it only gives.
  3. Beauty is short lived, true love never dies.
  4. A person who has no dreams has no wings.
  5. Dreams always encourage us to “keep flying”.
  6. I, me and myself are agents of ego.
  7.  A true friend always encourages but a fake friend discourages.
  8. Every successful person should be your motivation to achieve great things in life.
  9. True love is rare in this world.
  10. Dreams create future.
  11. Our mind is just like an uncontrolled horse, so control your mind with the meditation of the real one i.e. GOD.
  12. Share your dreams with a like minded person.
  13. Leave the bypass of negative people and join the company of positive & like minded people.
  14. Keep your … body physically fit with healthy diet and … mind spiritually stable with meditation.
  15. Exercise self-control when trying to enter the room of anger, jealousy and hatred.
  16. Love and be loved.
  17. Keep your mind clear & clean by trashing all the negative thoughts, fears, rejections, failures and anything that distracts your mind.
  18. True love never makes any complaint.
  19. Forgive and God will also forgive you.

———>>>>>>>>>> Rest in my book COMING SOON

I need only you
Live life fully
Live each moment of the present
Respect each & every creation of the God
Character in Dark and Day Light
Lie and Truth

———– rest of the Picture Quotes in my book ……. coming soon

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